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Department Profile

Name of the Department:-Department of BCA

Introduction of the department:

Dr.Ghali College was established in 1984 with view to impart higher education to students belonging to educationally weaker sections and depressed classes in the rural as well as hilly region of Gadhinglaj. College celebrated its Silver Jubilee year during 2008-2009. The college has maintained the standard of education in both conventional and modern courses. Recently college has started B.Com I.T in the year 2021 and BCA in the year 2023 entire special branch. The objective of college is not to produce graduate but to develop such skills in them to face the challenges of life and to contribute to the welfare of society and to mankind.

Today we are living in the era of globalization where many of the multinational companies are operating and making their base across India. This is an opportunity for the Indians to develop themselves and to prove their ability as professionals. There are many vacancies of professionals in different Business and Management fields as well as Corporation Sectors. IT skills are mandatory nowadays. Various career options are there for the students in future.


Bachelor of Computer Application (4years) program / degree is a specialized program in Computer Applications. It builds the student on studies in applied use of computers and to become competent in the current race and development of new computational era. The duration of the study is of eight semesters, which is completed in four years. The program is based on Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS) comprising 202 credit points and intake for one batch is 112 students. For this year onwards BCA is under AICTE and the intake for one batch is 120 students.

Objectives of the Department:

BCA offers the prequalification for professionals heading for smart career in the IT field, which measures up to international standards. On completing this course one can do higher studies such as MCA, MBA etc., in any UGC recognized universities or in any other reputed institution in India or abroad.

• Learn to implement fundamental domain knowledge of core courses for developing effective computing solutions by incorporating creativity and logical reasoning.
• To deliver professional services with updated technologies in Computer application based career.
• To develop leadership skills and incorporate ethics, team work with effective communication & time management in the profession.
• To learn various programming languages and custom software.

• Learn to identify, formulate, and solve problems using computational temperaments.

Offering Programmes:

UG Level: Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

Department Faculty Profile:

Sr.No Name & Designation of the Faculty Qualification Experience (in years) Contact
1 Miss.Mayuri Shripati Rane (Assistant Professor) MCA, B.A. B.Ed. 5 Years 7744993141
2 Miss.Pradnya Basgonda Patekari (Assistant Professor) MCA 7 Years 8149037882
3 Miss.Minakshi Manoj Mane (Assistant Professor) MCA 1 Years 8446837006
4 Mrs.Sayali Vijay Chougule (Assistant Professor) MBA 8 Years 7030150502

Department MoU :

Sr.No Name of the Collaborative Organization Title of MoU Date of Signed Duration Activity Details (In short)
1 Yes Computer Training Center, Gadhinglaj Academic Computer Training Center Collaboration 19/10/2023 3 Years • Guest Lecture on GST With Tally(12/4/2024)
2 Code Expert Technology, Gadhinglaj Academic Industry Collaboration 06/11/2023 3 Years • Project Guidance(14/10/2023)
3 AjaraMahavidyalaya, Ajara (Dept. of BCA) Academic College Collaboration 2/2/2024 5 Years -

Other Information:

1. 17/01/2024: One Day National Level Workshop on “Stress Management” jointly by department of BCA and BCOM IT with the Department of B.Com (English Medium) and B.A Psychology.
2. 2/10/2023: Celebration of “World Computer Literacy Day” by arranging PPT Presentation and Poster Presentation
3. 7th and 9th January 2024: Organized State Level Information Technology and Management Event called “Techno-Era 2K24” where 260 students were participated.
4. 5/03/2024: Department of BCOM IT and BCA organized College Level Event named as “Marketo 2K24” jointly with the Department of B.Com (English Medium)